Why Ohio State Will Beat Wisconsin

While everybody seems to be on the Wisconsin bandwagon for this game, I’m going the other way. 

Now of course, I have to imagine y’all exclaiming in unison, “WHY?”

Oh, you want to know, do you?  Ah, then allow me to explain.

Right here in this sentence I could flood you with superlatives about their do-everything, can’t-miss, all-world quarterback, but that isn’t it. 

Beanie Wells? What about him? That ain’t it either. They do have massive beef up front on both sides, and they probably have the best linebacker in the upcoming draft, but that stuff don’t sway me none.

So what is this secret weapon?  Well, first I have to preempt the howling that is sure to erupt in Gainesville, Baton Rouge, Knoxville, Athens, and all points north, east, west and south.  Y’all hold it down out there.

The Ohio State Buckeyes might be blessed with the best fans in the NATION.

Yep, I said it: the best fans in the nation. And if you will just hold your water, I’m gonna tell you why.

First, they travel as well as any I have ever seen, and they will bring numbers to Madison. Not just that, the players will probably be able to hear those who couldn’t make the trip.

Second, they were wiped out by Florida in the biggest game of the year 2006. Did their fans disappear? No way, jack. They were up bright and early on every forum concerning football, and along with a defense of their team, most were classy to a fault.

Third, ditto above (insert LSU and 2007).

Fourth, USC all but destroyed them this year, but their fans are still around. They are still proud of their team, and overwhelmingly they remain classy.

I gotta add some extra tidbits, just in case you are not convinced. I’ve even seen their fans wearing those Tressel sweaters in the stands.

Now, people, THAT is a FAN. How many of you out there would put on one of those things and wear it in public?

Those three instances I mentioned were humongous hits, and you have to add in Illinois beating them in the Shoe last year. I don’t know if I could have ever emerged from under the table after that first body slam in 2006, little on following those other beatings.

And if I had, I damn sure would not have emerged with more than a thimble-full of class, leastwise not enough to be considered more than a horse’s ass at the Walmart checkout line.

I don’t know if any other fans have ever had such high expectations dashed so many times and still put on the team colors. Most fans I know would have in their repertoires a list of derisive jokes about their team if that had happened to them, but not OSU fans. 

They still believe. And if they believe, I believe. When I die, if ever I do, I want to come back as anything but a Buckeyes fan because if I did, I would embarrass the rest of them.

Ohio State 26 – Wisconsin 13. 

Double em’ up, boys.


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