Terrelle Pryor’s parents come to his defense

Terrelle Pryor faces an uphill and potentially impossible climb to regain support in Columbus, but his parents remain firmly in his corner.

First things first: The 2007 Nissan 350-Z Pryor drove to a team meeting Monday night is registered to his mother, Thomasina, who purchased it from the Auto Direct dealership a week ago.
Pryor’s attorney, Larry James, yesterday released the bill of sale from Auto Direct showing Thomasina Pryor as the buyer. It also showed the car had 80,102 miles on it when they took possession more than a week ago, that the final price, after trade-in of his previous black Dodge Charger, was $11,435.06, and that his mother agreed to make monthly payments of $298.35 for the next 51 months.
Pryor’s mother tells WBNS-TV in Columbus that there has been no wrongdoing…
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