Records show lot of Tressel-Sarniak contact

The phone and text message records Ohio State released Monday to The Columbus Dispatch once again place the spotlight on Jim Tressel and Ted Sarniak.

Tressel, the ex-Buckeyes coach, and Sarniak, described as a mentor of Buckeyes quarterback Terrelle Pryor, were in regular correspondence after Columbus attorney Christopher Cicero notified Tressel in April 2010 that Pryor and others might have violated NCAA rules.

From The Dispatch:
After Tressel received an April 2, 2010, email from a former player warning him of potential NCAA violations, the coach exchanged 77 calls and text messages with and spent a total of 4 1/2 hours talking on the phone with Ted Sarniak, the hometown mentor of quarterback Terrelle Pryor in Jeannette, Pa.
Their longest phone conversation — 18 minutes — happened…
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