Ohio State Trustees Reprimand President Gordon Gee, and That’s Enough

The Columbus Dispatch revealed that Ohio State’s Board of Trustees is not as in love with Gordon Gee’s antics as some would have thought. In a letter dated March 11, 2013, signed by two members of the Board, Gee is warned that he could lose his job if he does not follow their outlined “remediation plan.” Ohio State answered the bell. A couple members of the Board stepped up, let Gee know that he is not representing their interests in the best way possible and that he needs to change. Kudos to the Buckeyes—the question of how much more Gee can get away with has been answered. Not very much. Included in the remediation plan is Gee apologizing to the people he offended, dialing back his public speaking appearances and using the services of a coach to help work on his “global presence and voice.” Apologies already happened, but what

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