Crazy Buckeyes fans walk 19 miles to create GPS Ohio State logo

College football season is near and Ohio State fans already can’t sit still. Four guys trekked 19 miles on foot to create the script “Ohio” logo on their GPS tracker. That’s some serious dedication. You can tell they put a lot of thought into the feat, as they used Ohio Stadium as the dot on the “i.’ MORE: Best stadium experiences | Double-pass play with Braxton Miller? Yep. Reddit user and one of the walkers “orweezy” explains why they did it. My coworker friends and thought it would be cool to start off the football season by mapping and walking the Ohio Script this past weekend and using the stadium as the “I” dotting. … we got like 8 miles into it and thought…. “you know this would have been better if we biked it” It took us 6 and a half hours of walking but we made a few bar stops so from 6:30am through 2:45pm. We were doing a work competition about fitness and the metrics used was time, so we walked everywhere and I think we just carried it over. I would rather bike it next time for sure…

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