Making The List: 3-Time Appearance to the Show… For Starters

ShareTweetWell there will be no football entry for Making The List this week. I know! I know! I said I would stay with football while it was football season. Believe me too, as you know, there are certainly a multifold of names from the gridiron remaining who could easily be participants for Making The List. But, if you recall, I said it would remain with football during football season unless I had an epiphany, or the sorts! Well this is exactly what has happened. The Buckeyes 117th season in basketball begins on Nov. 8th (If you want to count when the first team dressed for action in 1898). So even though football season is in full swing with unlimited drama added as Buckeye Nation awaits the season’s outcome to see if The Ohio State University heads back to the College Football Playoffs, we shall dance off the field and onto the court, as basketball is more than deserving of recognition as its season begins. Just as in the process that began with football the question immediately upfront was how in the world could the choice be a player (student) over the Coach (Teacher)? Thus was born the most logical decision for football’s first entry into Making The List – The Great Woody Hayes. The same principles must be equally applied for Basketball. So the Buckeye most deserving of being the first basketball mention in Making The List is Fred Taylor. Coach Taylor’s story began in 1924 in Zanesville, Ohio. …

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