Ohio State baseball hosts red-hot Indiana to wrap up season

It’s funny how a baseball season can seem so unbelievably quick yet so interminably long at the same time. Ohio State has reached the end of its schedule, the final three games in what has been a disappointing season to say the very least. It feels as though opening day in Osceola, Florida was just last week, but a grueling 53 games that saw the Buckeyes on the wrong end of the score time and again, often from self-inflicted wounds, has also worn down even the most ardent supporters of the program. There will be a time, after the season finale on Saturday, to evaluate what, exactly, the state of the program is; to dissect what went wrong, who underperformed, who surprised, and where things go from here. There will surely be a host of answers, details that in hindsight will help to explain how the club went into a…

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