OHIO STATE FOOTBALL: 'Just win the moment' is mantra of Buckeyes in 2018

PORT CLINTON — Summer and vacation seem to fly by, and it’s no different for Ohio State football coach Urban Meyer. “Now with a grandson … there’s not many seconds that aren’t used, because I know what’s coming down the road,” Meyer said, referring to the Big Ten media days next week and the start of preseason camp soon after. “When you were a younger coach, people in June would say ‘You ready to go?’ And I’d say “Yeah, can’t wait for it to start.’ “It’s changed. Now I can’t wait for vacation, and wait to spend time with your loved ones, because we all know what’s going to happen next week.” What has struck him is he is on the brink of doing something he’s never done before, coach for the seventh straight season at the same place. “It has,” said Meyer, 54, who in his previous six seasons…

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